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The Latest News From EMOHA
[EMOHA][Conferences, Roadshows, Seminars][Jobs][Projects,
- The EMOHA website is going to have a new look! This means that much of the news and audio-visual content will be moved, although the main pages on the website will still look very familiar. This is due to happen in the autumn of 2020. Look at EMOHA's blog for updates and news, and the Soundcloud channel for audio clips.
- EMOHA's new project is 'The Silent Archive: Oral Histories of Menopause' and you can find out more about it here - https://eastmidsoha.home.blog/ - on the new blog page that has been set up to deliver all the latest news about what EMOHA is doing. If you want to get involved with the new project contact Helen Foster.
- The East Midlands Oral History Day 2019 was held on 9th July 2019 and featured the Unlocking Our Sound Heritage team talking about preserving and using sound recordings. Further details here - http://www.le.ac.uk/emoha/news/ohday_2019.html. The East Midlands Oral History Day 2018 took place on Friday 22nd June and featured the work of postgraduate students at the University of Leicester. Further details here - http://www.le.ac.uk/emoha/news/ohday_2018.html. The East Midlands Oral History Day 2017 would have been on the subject of 'War, Memory & Oral History'. More details here - http://www.le.ac.uk/emoha/news/ohday_2017.html. The 2016 East Midlands Oral History Day was about 'Oral History & Health' and was held at Nottingham Central Library on 8th June. Full details here - http://www.le.ac.uk/emoha/news/ohday_2016.html Details of the 2015 event, 'Oral History & Video' are here - http://www.le.ac.uk/emoha/news/ohday_2015.html. The 2014 day was a celebration of the contribution the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) has made to oral history in the region over the last 20 years - http://www.le.ac.uk/emoha/news/ohday_2014.html. The 2013 East Midlands Oral History Day was on the subject of ‘Past, Present & Future’ and there are details here - http://www.le.ac.uk/emoha/news/ohday_2013.html. The 2012 event was on the subject of 'Telling Stories' - click here for details. There are top tips for interviewers and a picture of the cake on the 2011 webpage - click here for details. The page for the 2010 event has suggested questions you can ask about working lives and is available by clicking here. For a brief summary of the 2009 event click here.
- EMOHA is delighted to welcome its new manager, Helen Foster, who has been running EMOHA since the beginning of March 2019. Helen has worked in the heritage sector for many years and has a particular interest in the creative potential that lies in oral history archives. More information about Helen, including her hours of work, here - https://www.le.ac.uk/emoha/emoha/staff.html
- The Oral History Society has produced GDPR guidelines for oral history. These are essential reading for anyone who has, or intends to create, oral history recordings. Have a look here - http://www.ohs.org.uk/advice/data-protection/
- The 'Oral History of Post-War Leicester 1945-1962' has come to an end. We have recorded almost 100 people and have put together a new website to showcase the material gathered by the project. Click here to see it all - https://leicester.omeka.net/exhibits/show/postwar/intro
- EMOHA has moved office! We are no longer in 1 Salisbury Road but have moved next door to 3-5 Salisbury Road where we can be found in Room 10.
- Erasmus intern Michele Santoro has helped with cataloguing and putting oral history summaries online. Click here for more information.
- There are now over 400 oral history recordings from the 1980s on the My Leicestershire History website. These are from the Leicester Oral History Archive and you can browse the collection from here: http://specialcollections.le.ac.uk/cdm/landingpage/collection/p15407coll1 . Blogs by Rhianna Watson that feature material from this collection can be found here - http://staffblogs.le.ac.uk/specialcollections/author/rwatson/
- In September 2016 the Leicestershire Villages website closed down. In the 2000s EMOHA put a lot of oral history sound clips on the website describing a variety of rural issues and events. Many of these clips can still be listened to on our Leicestershire Villages webpage - http://www.le.ac.uk/emoha/community/leicsvillages.html
- EMOHA is now able to lend recording equipment to community groups or individuals in the East Midlands who want to record oral history. We have a selection of recorders from simple to use Zoom H1s and Tascam Dr-05s to higher end Zoom H4ns which can take good quality external microphones. If you want to find out more about this contact Helen Foster via h.l.foster@leicester.ac.uk. Don't forget that if you're after advice about recording equipment you can look to us for advice on our current equipment page.
Conferences, Roadshows, Seminars
- The 2020 Annual Conference of the OHS will be on the subject of 'Oral History and the Media' and will be held at the University of Bournemouth on Friday 3rd and Saturday 4th July 2020. The deadline for submission of proposals for papers is 14 December 2018. Further details - https://www.ohs.org.uk/conferences/conference-2020/
Projects, Schemes
- The Executive Board of UNESCO have endorsed the adoption of a World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, to be held on 27th October each year. For those of you wanting to know more, the document submitted to the Exec Board is here: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0014/001469/146936e.pdf
- Mark Vernon is a radio producer who has produced programmes about tape clubs in Derby and Nottingham and has now turned his attention to the Leicester Tape Club, a gathering of tape recorder enthusiasts who started recording in the 1950s. For more information and snippets from the programmes have a look here: http://www.meagreresource.com/archive/tape.html
- Retired policeman Kip Phillips has published a book about his time as a bobby working from Asfordby Street police station and then Spinney Hills Park police station in the Highfields district of Leicester. More details here.
- BRITISH AND IRISH SOUND ARCHIVES (BISA) – DISCUSSION LIST. This list has been formed following a meeting in Edinburgh in May 2006 to form a network for sound archives. Some of the common areas of concern identified at the meeting included funding, digitization and technical obsolescence, storage, access, legal matters, and pooling good practice. The list can be used to discuss these or other matters of common professional interest. Go to http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/BISA.html to join the list.
- Pam Schweitzer has published a book, 'Reminiscence Theatre. Making Theatre from Memories'. This book is a comprehensive guide to the nature, practice and therapeutic effects of reminiscence theatre. Drawing on examples from a range of real-life case studies, Pam Schweitzer provides practical advice on the process of taking an oral history, creating from it a written script and developing that into a dramatic production, on whatever scale. More details here: http://www.jkp.com/catalogue/book.php/isbn/9781843104308
published a resource book which they believe will be of great
interest and use to you. MAPPING MEMORIES - Reminiscence with Ethnic
Minority Elders features the lives of 24 elders who originate from the
Caribbean, Africa, India and China.
- Barbara Hind has published a book, 'Sheepy Tales'. Click here for more details.
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