EMOHA provides training for groups across the East Midlands. Please contact us at emoha@le.ac.uk for information about charges and what we cover in training sessions. For groups outside the East Midlands, have a look at the Oral History Society training pages and the Society's regional representatives - http://www.ohs.org.uk/
- FAQs: Our advice on common problems.
- Information Sheets: Everything
you need to know about oral history.
- Equipment: What to buy
and how to use it.
- Funding: A list of organisations
that have funded oral history projects
- Training Session: An outline of an EMOHA training session.
- Interviewing for Research: A more in depth look at how to interview people, this was originally only available to University of Leicester students but is now open to the public. Illustrated with audio and video clips.
- Oral History resources aimed at heritage groups created by EMOHA for the School of History at the University of Leicester.
- Links: Other places to find
oral history training and resources.