Latest news from EMOHA
EMOHA's work continues through the Covid-19 situation and one of the recent developments is that the look of this website will change. The main pages will still be here and the URLs will remain the same, but the pages will look different. The sound clips on the website's exhibitions have been moved to Soundcloud and you can hear them on EMOHA's Soundcloud channel.
EMOHA's new project is 'The Silent Archive: Oral Histories of Menopause' and you can find out more about it here - - on the new blog page that has been set up to deliver all the latest news about what EMOHA is doing. If you want to get involved with the new project contact Helen Foster.
We are gathering information about oral history in the East Midlands and want to share information about all the holdings and projects in the region. Look here - East Midlands Oral History Pages - and let us know if anything is missing! |