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East Midlands Oral History

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Information about oral history projects in the East Midlands

In addition to the collections in the EMOHA, and East Midlands websites, there is also the following oral history in the East Midlands. If you would like to add details of your project to these pages, email us at emoha@le.ac.uk. For all projects that have been granted Local Heritage Initiative grants, look at the LHI East Midlands page. For additional information about oral history in the East Midlands have a look at the Oral History Society website.

Oral history in Derbyshire

Oral history in Leicestershire

Oral history in Lincolnshire

Oral history in Northamptonshire

Oral history in Nottinghamshire

Oral history in Rutland



Last updated: 23/05/08
East Midland Oral History Archive Web maintainer
This document has been approved by the head of department or section.

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