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Advice on what equipment to buy for oral history projects

For a basic guide on what equipment to buy and use for oral history recording see Infosheet #3. More detailed information can be found by following one of the links below.

Current sound recorders

Cassette recorder



Mini-disc recorder


Portable CD recorder

Software for editing sound

Dictation machines



Non-portable equipment


Equipment for Museums

In the course of these pages we suggest a number of manufacturers and retailers that we have used and found helpful. None of these suggestions are formal endorsements of any product or shop. If any readers have found other equipment or retailers helpful then please contact EMOHA and we will add them to these pages.

For other websites which have information on equipment have a look at our training links page.


Last updated: 16/12/12
East Midland Oral History Archive Web maintainer
This document has been approved by the head of department or section.

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