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'30 Years Not Out'

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Memoirs of an Inner City Police Officer by Kip Phillips

'30 Years Not Out' is a new book by former PC Julian 'Kip' Phillips which tells the story of his career as a policeman in Leicester.

Having joined the Leicestershire Constabulary as a cadet in 1974 Kip joined the regulars in 1976, was transferred to Asfordby Street Police Station in Highfields at the start of 1981, and ended his career at Spinney Hill Park Police Station. In 1999 Kip was voted Community Police Officer of the Year for his force.

His book gives an account of the ups and downs of policing from 1976 to his retirement in 2006. This period included the riots which occured in 1981 and 1985 and which led to many changes, eventually creating better relations between the police and the public.

The book is full of stories and anecdotes about fellow police officers, local characters, and many events of the last 30 years.



'30 Years Not Out' costs £9.99 and is available from:

Dhrutee Madhani at Spinney Hill Park Police Station, East Park Road, Leicester LE5 5GY. Tel: 0116 2486734.

Leicester Tourism Office, Every Street, Town Hall Square, Leicester LE1 6AG.

From the author at kipphillips@hotmail.co.uk


Spinney Hill Park local policing unit - http://www.leics.police.uk/policing/8_city_bcu/19_spinney_hill_park/

'Crime and Punishment', a oral history compilation about crime and punishment in Leicestershire can be listened to here: http://showcase.commedia.org.uk/article/articleview/575/1/41/



Last updated: 18/01/2008
East Midland Oral History Archive Web maintainer
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