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The Griswold

The Griswold is a well-known name in the world of hosiery outworking. It was first made popular in the WW1 'socks for soldiers' campaign, and for a time they could compete with factory machines if piece rates were low enough. Eventually this sort of outwork was stopped by automatic sock machines in factories.

[The Griswold

As can be seen in the photo, this machine is small and portable, and produces a tube of material which is ideal for sock making. The machine is fed by cones, powered by a handle, needles are arranged in a circle, a cam lifts them in a 'Mexican Wave' as the handle is turned, and the result is rather like 'French Knitting'.

In the following extract a women talks about her father's small hosiery business, making socks, in the Walnut Street area of Leicester in the late 1920's and 1930's: Hear the extract.

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Last updated: 22/05/03
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