The Molecular Cytogenetics laboratory aims to present In situ Hybridization Methods which can be utilized in any laboratory to obtain the highest quality of research and results in molecular cytogenetics. We also present courses on in situ hybridization, and a list of the course items is given. Additional protocols for molecular cytogenetics are also given.

We have also developed protocols for IRAP (interretroelement amplified polymorphism) measurement of diversity, and for isolation of retroelements from genomic DNA, which are designed to be of widespread application.

This site also contains protocols for standard methods of molecular biology which aim to be usable and give reliable results; these protocols are designed for use following personal contacts by our collaborators and ourselves and contain modification of standard methods.

Key methods / protocols / procedures / schedules for DNA and RNA in situ hybridization are described in the book
Practical In Situ Hybridization by Trude Schwarzacher and Pat Heslop-Harrison, 216+xii pages,
price UKPounds £31.95 (c. US$/Euro 45)

AVAILABLE FROM or any other bookshop(2003 price Euro49.90)
published by BIOS (Oxford) in January 2000 and available from them too.