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Using the Advanced Modes

Advanced Search - Keyword Search

The keyword search is a more precise search tool. Use this search when you have a specific enquiry. Adding other modes to the search can refine your results.

Searching by keyword enables you to enter one or more words that you think may appear somewhere in the summary description of an oral history recording, broadcast, book, paper record or photograph.

The keyword search searches the summary of each record. Do not use commas, full stops or punctuation. Do not punctuate initials for example use NUM not N.U.M.. You can use more than one word but records will only be selected where the words appear together. Check you have the correct spelling.

Think of the word that describes what you are looking for. Is it the best term that you can use? Does it appear in the subject terms? Have some similar alternatives that you can try as well. For example: for Colliery, also try Mine or Pit.

Try searching first just with the keyword term you have in mind.

You can limit the number of results you want to see by selecting a number from the drop down stop after box.

Click on the Find. The Search Results will then appear.

Search Results

The search results give a list of the items that match your request. Check the detail of the medium to make sure it is what you want. Click on the underlined title of the item to view the full record.

N.B. The keyword search facility will also select a word where it appears in a larger word. For example: Band - this will include records with the word husband, to be found in the summary, as well as those containing band.

Using the Other Search Modes

You can also search using modes for Period, County, Town/place, Occupation, Title, or the Collection. Look at the contents of the drop down boxes to see what they contain. You can use these modes on their own. By adding relevant information for more than one search mode you can filter your search and get more exact results. For example, you can narrow the search to a particular period by selecting a decade from the drop down menu in the period box, still using the keyword. Only records from the period selected that have the keyword will be displayed.

You can use different modes together and without the keyword. Be careful not to put in too many different modes and end up with no results though. Try different combinations to see how they work. Make sure all the search mode boxes you are not using in a search are blank. The subject search term mode from the drop down list in advanced search can also be used.

Occupation: Use the personal noun i.e. Miner, Post woman, Doctor, Factory worker.

Title: This will search for the collection title or book title. Use the full title if known. A word appearing in the title may find what you are looking for.

Collection Number: Use this if you have the reference and for cross-referenced records.

N.B. The Period demarcation is an approximate guide only to the actual periods covered.


Last updated:10/2/2004
East Midland Oral History Archive Web maintainer
This document has been approved by the head of department or section.