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Working with Scientists

The Science Learning Centre East Midlands supports teachers in enhancing their professional skills by learning more about contemporary scientific ideas and gaining experience of modern scientific techniques.

Professor Liz Sockett works at the Institute of Genetics, University of Nottingham.

Liz SockettWorking with the Science Learning Centre has been a real joy from the start! For years I've done schools talks to pupils, on the cool swimming bacteria that we research. It is hard to get time away from my lab to do this, so I've always tried to speak to big audiences of pupils to have maximum impact.

The really great thing about the Centres in general is that by talking with and educating teachers, we reach far more pupils than we can alone. Also, because we scientists are running courses along with some of the best Education practitioners and researchers in the country, we learn about all the new school curriculum developments and methods for making our presentations the most school-friendly and useful, rather than just going into schools as 'gee whizz boffins'!

Working with Scientists

We have worked closely with scientists in our partner institutions to provide courses for teachers that are both relevant and contemporary.

Page 1: Liz Sockett, University of Nottingham

Page 2: Martin Barstow, University of Leicester

Page 3: Jonny Woodward, University of Leicester

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