
Pat Heslop-Harrison contributes to many of the team-taught modules in the Department of Biology and School of Biological Sciences, as well as presenting international courses at various Universities in Asia, Europe and South America, and at the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency). The specialized courses are on various aspects of molecular markers, plant breeding, biodiversity and molecular cytogenetics.

For the undergraduate course BS1003, Cell and Developmental Biology, we are starting to make available the schedules for the practicals and YouTube video clips showing the practicals. Search Youtube for BS1003 or PatHH to see these. Discussion of the practicals and the course in general takes place on Friendfeed. An outline of the Practical Schedule is at PHH_bs1003_practicals.doc (Word document). (This does not have the required safety information, and University of Leicester students taking the course must use the definitive version on the Blackboard course site.)



This practical class shows the control of anthocyanin production in mustard seedlings following growth under different light conditions. For the practical schedule and instructions, see the sidebar 'teaching' on the left-hand side of www.molcyt.com (on Blackboard for UoL students). It is part of the University of Leicester course BS1003 - Cell and developmental biology. Phytochrome exists in two forms, Pr and Pfr. The far red-absorbing form, Pfr, is biologically active and induces gene expression to produce the red-pink anthocyanin pigment. Treatement with white light, or five minutes of red light, produces the anthocyanin response by converting Pr to Pfr. Treatment with red light followed by far red light reverses the response by converting the active Pfr back to Pr.

Tissue culture and effects of hormones.

We put tobacco leaf squares onto tissue culture media with different hormones. Then we take carrot root disks and infect them with three strains of Agrobacterium. Each strain has different hormones. Set up on 8th October. Results will follow on request! BS1003 University of Leicester

PHH was formerly convenor for the third year course “Domestic Plants and Animals: Past, Present and Future”.

