Highlights of some conferences are here, sourced fromBotany.One Blog and Molcyt.org. Our presentations from meetings, seminars, workshops and conferences are here or on Slideshare.
Conference posts | Molecular Cytogenetics Presentations | ||
Many of our talks are on Slideshare.
----------------------- Previous 2015 information Trude Schwarzacher presented a plenary talk at the European Cytogeneticsists Association conference on "Mendel, his time, and the rediscovery of his laws". The group made presentations on Musa (Banana) hAT transposable elements/transposons and on Linum / Linseed / Flax diversity at the Plant and Animal Genome PAGXXIII conference in January 2015. These are uploaded on slideshare and Trude Schwarzacher talked about Repetitive DNA in Plant Genomes. Posts from the saffronomics Crocus sativus conference in October 2014 are here I reviewed talks and my own presentation at the Plant molecular cytogenetics in the genomic and postgenomic era meeting in Katowice, Poland, September 2014. Posts from Dublin, July 2013: 9th European Cytogenetics Conference to discuss chromosomes, polyploidy and genomics and 100 years after Sturtevant and the linear order of genes on chromosomes and from SEB, Valencia, July 2013 Wheat-Thinopyrum introgression work wins prize for Niaz Ali, Hazara, Pakistan : |
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