Department of Biochemistry - Ralf Schmid group

Research interests

We have a broad interest in the application and development of methods covering different aspects of bioinformatics, computational biology and chemoinformatics. The main focus of the group is on protein structure prediction and molecular modelling in an attempt to understand protein function in molecular detail by applying, improving and developing computational methods. This involves techniques such as comparative modelling, fold recognition, ligand docking, protein-protein docking, electrostatic calculations and molecular dynamics simulations. All of these methods require expert user intervention to fully exploit their potential. Protein targets are often, but not exclusively, chosen in collaboration with experimental scientists. Based on the wealth of sequence data available we have also a strong interest in comparative genomics and the evolution of protein families. Apart from data mining, data analysis and data integration we are developing methods for high-throughput data processing and functional annotation of sequence datasets.
For individual projects please see group pages.

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Last updated: 17/07/2008, Ralf Schmid
The views expressed in this document are those of the document owner.