National Renal Pathology E.Q.A. Scheme

Circulation Q

This document gives information on individual cases in circulation Q of this scheme. It contains no personal details of participants.

Cases included:

Q 224
Q 225
Q 226
Q 227
Q 228
Q 229

A click on the {Image} icon should provide an image from the material circulated. Some of the images are composites - remember to scroll the image to see parts beyond the bottom of your screen.

WARNING The image files associated with this document are selected by the Organiser in an attempt to illustrate the relevant features of the material which was circulated in the EQA scheme. They are intended as an 'aide memoire' for participants who may no longer have the slides for review.

They are NOT intended as 'good examples' or as teaching material. Some of the images may be chosen to illustrate a feature which led some participants to a wrong diagnosis.

Case Response Analysis

Circulation: Q

Case number: 224 .... {Image}

Number of responses:74 . Date of analysis: 14 AUG 04


49yr old female. H/O systemic sclerosis, 'myositis' and myocardial infarction. Recent renal impairment. Urea 9.7, Creatinine 121, Creatinine clearance 42, Urinary protein 3.3g/24hr. Serology: ANA positive 1/>2560 ( speckled pattern). dsDNA negative. Anti-ribonuclear protein (nRNP) positive.


H&E, PAAg, Photo's Fluorescence *6, EM
Diagnostic categories:                         Score:
 1  Lupus nephritis NOS                                     0.61
 2  Lypus nephritis IV                                      1.55
 3  Lupus nephritis WHO III                                 0.54
 4  Mixed connective tissue disease (Lupus-like)            3.11
 5  Lupus nephritis, crescentic / necrotising               2.09
 6  Crescentic (vasculitic) 'immune' Gn                     0.41
 7  Necrotising IgA nephropathy                             0.14
 8  Consistent with systemic sclerosis                      0.54
 9  Crescentic / necrotising Gn NOS                         0.95
 10 Cryoglobulinaemia                                       0.07

Asterisks (if any) indicate dangerous diagnoses.     
Highest scoring diagnosis was 4 with 3.11

Secondary diagnoses and comments (if any):

IF prints inadequate*8. More EM photos*1. ANCA?*5. Anti-GBM serology?*1. Exclude cryoglobulin*3. Unsuitable for EQA unless generic diagnosis OK*1.

Original report and further information (if any):

Necrotising glomerulonephritis in mixed connective tissue disease

Circulation: Q

Case number: 225 .... {Image}

Number of responses:74 . Date of analysis: 14 AUG 04


Female 32 yrs. Presented with ?acute renal failure. Serum creatinine 948. Urine dipstick 3+ protein, 3+ glucose. Some weeks prior to admission suffered a number of boils treated with antibiotics. Direct IF showed weak staining for C3 within the mesangium of the glomeruli and some tubular casts stained with IgA. Otherwise IgA, IgG and IgM negative. EM not performed.


Diagnostic categories:                         Score:
 1  Interstitial nephritis, exclude pyelonephritis          1.08
 2  Interstitial nephritis NOS                              7.43
 3  Drug-induced TIN (i.e. definite cause stated)           0.14
 4  Nephronophthisis                                        0.14
 5  Tubular necrosis                                        0.14
 6  Diabetes &TIN                                           0.59
 7  Glomerulonephritis (various forms) & TIN                0.22
 8  Granulomatous interstitial nephritis                    0.14
 10 No response received                                    0.14

Asterisks (if any) indicate dangerous diagnoses.     
Highest scoring diagnosis was 2 with 7.43

Secondary diagnoses and comments (if any):

Drug related?*34. Also mild resolving post-infectious Gn*1. EM*6. Exclude similtaneous minimal change*1. ATN too*2. Granulomas present*1. Exclude pregnancy*1. Exclude diabetes*6. Exclude myeloma*3. Exclude lymphoma*1. Congo Red*3. Silver*2.

Original report and further information (if any):

Circulation: Q

Case number: 226 .... {Image}

Number of responses:74 . Date of analysis: 14 AUG 04


Male, 62 yrs. Presented with malaise, anaemia and severely abnormal renal function tests. HB10, ESR 67, urea 14, creatinine 261, paraprotein. ? Myeloma.


Diagnostic categories:                         Score:
 1  Myeloma (cast nephropathy)                              8.78
 2  Myeloma cast nephropathy ??? malignant infiltrate too   1.08
 3  Pyelonephritis                                          0.14

Asterisks (if any) indicate dangerous diagnoses.     
Highest scoring diagnosis was 1 with 8.78

Secondary diagnoses and comments (if any):

Congo red *14. PAS*2. Kappa & lambda immuno.*11. EM*2. Immunoelectrophoresis*5.

Original report and further information (if any):

Circulation: Q

Case number: 227 .... {Image}

Number of responses:74 . Date of analysis: 14 AUG 04


Female 37yrs. Obese with h/o uveitis treated with topical then later oral steroids. Subsequently presented in acute renal failure six weeks later. Now dialysis dependent. Urine dipstick analysis showed blood and protein.


Diagnostic categories:                         Score:
 1  Tubulo-interstitial nephritis & uveitis (Dobrin's syndr.7.03
 2  Interstitial nephritis NOS                              2.84
 3  Drug-induced tubulo-interstitial nephritis              0.14

Asterisks (if any) indicate dangerous diagnoses.     
Highest scoring diagnosis was 1 with 7.03

Secondary diagnoses and comments (if any):

?drug induced*11. Exclude toxoplasmosis*4. ?Bechet's*3 ?sarcoid*7. ? Sjogren's*1. ?vasculitis*2. Consider various rare infections*4. Exclude UTI*2. Eosinophilia?*1. Churg-Strauss?*1. Bone marrow*1. Granulomas present*2. H&E missing*3.

Original report and further information (if any):

Circulation: Q

Case number: 228 .... {Image}

Number of responses:74 . Date of analysis: 14 AUG 04


Male, 69 yrs. Membranous nephropathy 1987 - remission over last few months. Significant proteinuria (nephrotic) ?recurrence membranous. IF - strong granular capillary loop IgG.


H&E, PAS Meth Ag, Photo EM
Diagnostic categories:                         Score:
 1  Membranous glomerulonephritis                           10.00

Asterisks (if any) indicate dangerous diagnoses.     
Highest scoring diagnosis was 1 with 10.00

Secondary diagnoses and comments (if any):

Atheroembolus noted*1. EM*2. Congo red*1. Exclude secondary membranous*1.

Original report and further information (if any):

Membranous nephropathy

Circulation: Q

Case number: 229 .... {Image}

Number of responses:74 . Date of analysis: 14 AUG 04


Female, 66 yrs. Acute renal failure. Previously well. ?Vasculitis. Immunostaining negative.


Diagnostic categories:                         Score:
 1  Interstitial nephritis                                  2.97
 2  Interstitial nephritis and ATN                          1.22
 3  Interstitial nephritis, exclude infection               4.59
 4  Granulomatous interstitial nephritis                    0.68
 5  Acute pyelonephritis                                    0.14
 6  ATN with interstitial nephritis                         0.14
 7  Myeloma kidney                                          0.14
 8  Exclude infection, the treat as TIN                     0.14

Asterisks (if any) indicate dangerous diagnoses.     
Highest scoring diagnosis was 3 with 4.59

Secondary diagnoses and comments (if any):

Exclude myeloma*5. Thick section*1. RBCs in tubules - consider necrotising Gn not in sections provided*3. EM to exclude GBM abnormality*1. Granuloma present - do Z-N*7. Stain for fungi*1. Clinical info?*2. Drugs?*10. Sarcoid?*3. Urine culture?*6. Autoantibodies?*1. Lupus serology*1. ANCA*1. Lymphoma?*1.

Original report and further information (if any):

Links to cases in this document:
Q 224
Q 225
Q 226
Q 227
Q 228
Q 229

Last updated: 14 AUG 04
Organiser: Professor Peter Furness, PhD, FRCPath. Department of Pathology
Leicester General Hospital
Gwendolen Road
LE5 4PW, U.K.
Tel: (0116)2584582
Fax: (0116) 2584582

Email: peter.furness@le.ac.uk