Welcome to the Science Learning Centre East Midlands 
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Aimhigher and Chemistry: The Next Generation

The Science Learning Centre East Midlands works closely with 'Chemistry: The Next Generation', a national Aimhigher project. The project is led in the East Midlands by the University of Leicester.

Annually during Science Week we have collaborated on a large scale event 'Hands free, hands-on!' targeted at post-16 chemistry students and their teachers. By specifically designing an event with a dual focus we can run sessions for teachers and students alone and certain sessions for both groups.

Involving the Universities of Leicester, Loughborough, Nottingham, Nottingham Trent and Astra Zeneca the day involves exciting hands-on chemistry sessions; careers information and exam tips for students, whilst their teachers engage in continuing professional development.

Collaboration with Scientists

It has been a pleasure working with the Science Learning Centre.

Read more about our work with scientists...

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