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1024, LO/379/330
Leicester Oral History Archive Collection

Speaker: McGrath, James, 1964 - , Interviewee, Male, Former Leicester Oral History Archive project assistant, Information Liaison officer at Glen Frith Hospital.
Speaker: Kirrane, S, Interviewer, Female

Summary of interview item: Recalls childhood in Glasgow, describing Irish background, family networks. Details social and religious composition of local community. Describes progress through Corpus Christ Primary School, St Thomas Aquinas Secondary School, mentioning discipline, lessons enjoyed, peer group pressure not to go further academically, problems with truancy eventually leading to sitting 'O' levels successfully. Remembers being in car searched in Northern Ireland by Army, talks about interest in politics, voracious reading, joining flute band. Recalls parents' worry of consequences of political involvement. Describes visiting Belfast, Derry with flute band, pro-Republican march through Glasgow under hail of bottles, reaction to death of Bobby Sands. Recalls forming Irish Group at University in England, and reflects on attitudes of other students to Irish issues.
Place of birth: Glasgow
Education: Corpus Christi Primary School, St Thomas Aquinas Secondary School, Glasgow; University of Leicester
Marital Status: , Children:
Father's Occupation: Tram/bus driver
Mother's Occupation:
Location: County: Glasgow, Scotland
Location: Town/Place: Glasgow
Periods Covered: 1960s, 1970s, 1980s
Language: English

Recording Date: 28/5/1987
Playing time: 1 hr 15 mins
Access Restrictions: Full clearance Item Copyright: EMOHA
Summary: Yes
Transcription: No
Copies: yes
Cross Reference:

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Last updated: 08/05/02
East Midland Oral History Archive Web maintainer
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