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890, LO/254/205
Leicester Oral History Archive Collection

Speaker: Swift, Eric, 1903 - , Interviewee, Male, Teacher
Speaker: Florance, J, Interviewer, Male

Summary of interview item: Recalls teacher training in Battersea, London, briefly mentioning local poverty. Recalls attending college to gain degree and briefly mentions contemporaries, C. P. Snow, J. H. Phub, Roger Manvell. Describes teaching at schools in Leicester, such as the Clyde Street Wesleyan, Elbow Lane, Ellis Avenue, Moat Road. Discusses the rules and conditions in the schools, the condition of the poorer pupils, punishments, class consciousness, social conditions. Very brief mention of Basque refugees in 1936. Talks about school during Second World War and mentions teaching at a special school, and then at Kibworth Grammar. Then talks about local theatre and his involvement with it. Mentions actors and their styles, theatres in Leicester, audiences, companies such as the Carl Rosa company, amateur societies, acts and shows. Reflects on the decline of theatre due to cinema and television and the differences between modern and older acts.
Place of birth:
Education: Medway Street School; Newarke School
Marital Status: , Children:
Father's Occupation:
Mother's Occupation:
Location: County: Leicestershire
Location: Town/Place: Leicester
Periods Covered: 1910s, 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s
Language: English

Recording Date: 4/2/1986
Playing time: 2 hrs 20 mins
Access Restrictions: Full consent Item Copyright: EMOHA
Summary: Yes
Transcription: No
Copies: Yes
Cross Reference:

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Last updated: 08/05/02
East Midland Oral History Archive Web maintainer
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