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866, LO/230/181
Leicester Oral History Archive Collection

Speaker: Anon, 1914 - , Interviewee, Male, Tobacco farmer;
Speaker: Flawith, J., Interviewer, Female

Summary of interview item: Recalls early life in Gujarat, India and migration to East Africa in 1934. Details what life was like in Nairobi as a tobacco grower, including life during the Second World War and working with the Kikuyu. Mentions marriage and his family. Describes experience of migrating to Britain and Leicester in 1967. Describes visit to India and the changes he noticed, also details various other trips around the world he has made.
Place of birth: Gujarat, India
Marital Status: Married, Children: Sons; 3
Father's Occupation:
Mother's Occupation:
Location: County: Leicestershire
Location: Town/Place: Leicester
Periods Covered: 1930s,1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s

Recording Date: 29/11/1985
Playing time: 1hr
Access Restrictions: Restricted Item Copyright: EMOHA
Summary: Yes
Transcription: No
Copies: Yes
Cross Reference:

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Last updated: 08/05/02
East Midland Oral History Archive Web maintainer
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