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232, DW400/030
Collection Title: David Wood Collection

Series title: David Wood Collection, Episode: , Programme title: The Sporting Times

Summary: BBC radio programme looking at the ' Sporting Times' newspaper in the Victorian period. The ' Sporting Times' was also know as the 'Pink 'Un'. The programme provides an insight into Victorian and Edwardian sport, music hall and entertainment. The programme is written by Gerald Frow. Additional presenters are Harold Kasket, Fraser Kerr and Harry Landis. Contemporary songs are sung by Dorcas Jones, Peter Reeves, Charles West and Charles Young.
Periods Covered: 1880s, 1890s, 1900s,1910s

Presenter: Cameron, James
Producer: Days, John
Recording Date: , Transmission Dates:
Playing time:
Sound quality:
Access Restrictions: Restricted, Item Copyright: BBC
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Last updated: 08/05/02
East Midland Oral History Archive Web maintainer
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