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1445, EM/076
EMOHA project

Speaker: Jurgis, Juris, the Very Reverend, 1927 - 0, Interviewee, Male, Clergyman
Speaker: Brown, C, Interviewer, Female

Summary of interview item: Oulines family background in Cesis, Latvia, leaving for Germany as Soviets approached in 1944, finishing education in 'Displaced Persons' camp. Outlines movements through camps in UK near Stratford-upon-Avon, Surrey, London. Studied theology in Oxford, ordained 1959, describes small Latvian community in Oxford. Explains background to becoming Latvian Lutheran clergyman, moving to Leicester in mid-1960s. Mentions places worshipped in Leicester, other towns services held in, problems as congregation ages. Talks about social and religious value of church. Mentions Latvian language, Latvian national days, state of church in UK. Gives brief overview of Latvian economy, landscape and religious affiliations of population.
Place of birth: Latvia
Marital Status: Married, Children:
Father's Occupation:
Mother's Occupation:
Location: County: Leicestershire
Location: Town/Place: Leicester, Oxford
Periods Covered: 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s
Language: English

Recording Date: 8/5/2003
Playing time: 30 mins
Access Restrictions: Full clearance Item Copyright: EMOHA
Summary: Yes
Transcription: No
Copies: Yes
Cross Reference:

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Last updated: 08/05/02
East Midland Oral History Archive Web maintainer
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