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1424, EV/009
Evacuees Collection

Speaker: Keyworth, Ann, 1933 - , Interviewee, Female, Teacher;
Speaker: Ward, C., Interviewer, Female

Summary of interview item: Recalls living in Willesden, London in 1939. Describes St Mary's school, Willesden, the house she lived in on Strode Road and her family. Recalls evacuation to Northampton and reluctance of people to take evacuees in. Describes the family being split up and the families they lived with in Northampton. Describes the people she stayed with, not being able to mix with her siblings and the types of houses they stayed in, in Northampton. Recalls how she disliked being evacuated and unpleasant experiences she had. Recalls return to London after six weeks before being evacuated again, to Nottingham and eventually to relations in Creswell, Derbyshire. Describes in some detail her experience living with her aunt and uncle and compares living in Creswell and London. Mentions missing education due to ill health and war. Details attending schools in various locations. Describes different bombs and how frightening bombing was. Comments on the experience of evacuation as unsettling, and separation from siblings as negative. Talks about aunt and uncle. Comments on disruption caused by evacuation on education. Mentions moving to Nottingham after marriage. Recalls father wanting children to be evacuated for their own safety and incident of bomb dropping near to Dollis Hill station in Willesden. Comments on her father's support for her to train as a teacher. Reflects asylum seekers suffer from same feelings as evacuated children did and effect of class system on making evacuation more difficult.
Place of birth: Brentford, Middlesex
Marital Status: Widowed, Children:
Father's Occupation:
Mother's Occupation:
Location: County: Derbyshire
Location: Town/Place: Creswell;
Periods Covered: 1940s,
Language: English

Recording Date: 15/8/2001
Playing time: 1 hr 15 mins
Access Restrictions: no consent Item Copyright: EMOHA
Summary: Yes
Transcription: No
Copies: yes
Cross Reference: EM/040, EM/045, EM/072

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Last updated: 08/05/02
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