East Midlands Oral History Archive

Copyright and citation guidelines

This information is intended to draw attention to and advise archive users on the different uses of material for which copyright permission must be obtained and when and how citation should be credited. When using material for any of the purposes stated below it is essential to know if the material has any restrictions and if copyright approval is required. The Cataloguing Officer and the Record Office staff will be able to advise on this.

The different types of use of material 

  •  Use in schools, universities, colleges and other educational establishments 
  •  Use in public performance, lectures or talks
  •  Use in publications, including print, audio or video cassettes or CD ROM
  •  Public reference purposes in libraries, museums & record offices
  •  Use on radio or television
  •  Publication worldwide on the internet
  •  Use in a thesis, dissertation or similar research


Recorded sound/interview items

Sound items have two types of copyright, copyright for the spoken material on the recording (this is literary copyright) and copyright for the physical item itself. Copyright of the spoken material belongs to the speaker. Usually this is given to the holder of the physical item but restrictions on the different uses of the item may be made when the speaker transfers copyright.

If you are going to use the material you need to check if there are any restrictions, who holds the copyright, and obtain permission to use it. The EMOHA holds the copyright on some material held in the archive but not all.

Under the Fair Dealing provision small extracts, quotes and summaries used can be used if there is no overall restriction, but acknowledgement must be given. Substantial reproduction of material for use in a thesis, dissertation or similar research would require permission.

Printed material/ephemera 


Standard copyright law as for all published material applies. Acknowledgement should identify the work by its title or description and identify the author unless it is published anonymously.


As for published material, but if the author's identity is unknown and reasonable enquiry has not revealed them, it maybe left out of the acknowledgements.


Photographs are artistic works with the copyright belonging to the photographer, unless the copyright has been transferred. For use of a photograph you require permission from the copyright holder. Under Fair Dealing for private study or research the British Photographers' Liaison Committee has agreed that a single copy of a photograph may be made by or on behalf of an individual, however, copying segments or extracts of a photograph may be deemed as less than fair by the copyright owner. It is important that a photographer's moral rights are not infringed in this context. (Moral rights in this instance relate to the right for the original photographic image not to be altered or changed in any way).

Citing EMOHA material 

Recorded sound/interview items

In a thesis, dissertation or similar research, this is the suggested form of citation:

East Midlands Oral History Archive, (EMOHA can be used after 1st citation) Collection Name, Accession Number, Collection Number, Name of interviewee/Anon

e.g. EMOHA, Thornton Collection, 0233, TH/010/011, F. Smith

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