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1059, LO/406/357
Leicester Oral History Archive Collection

Speaker: Morgan, Dora, 1904 - , Interviewee, Female, Hosiery worker
Speaker: Carswell, J, Interviewer, Female

Summary of interview item: Outlines how father, a tailor, came to Leicester from Birmingham to set up business. Explains that mother died and grandmother came to look after them. Describes houses in Erskine Street, Gladstone Street. Mentions grandmother belonging to Catholic Apostolic Church, how this affected family. Describes series of brief jobs. Describes grandmother taking in lots of washing, house having separate kitchen, tells anecdotes. Briefly mentions family members' different religious leanings. Recalls feeling upset when father remarried as thought might have to leave grandmother. Describes meeting husband, courting, anecdote of father-in-law being chastised by mother for marrying non-fair girl. Mentions grandmother disapproving of fairs. Relates more of husband's background - his father reputed to be illegitimate son of Welsh nobleman given to gypsies. Reflects that grandmother's influence still with her.
Place of birth: Leicester
Education: Milton Street School, St Luke's School
Marital Status: Married, Children:
Father's Occupation: Tailor
Mother's Occupation: Tailor
Location: County: Leicestershire
Location: Town/Place: Leicester
Periods Covered: 1910s, 1920s, 1930s
Language: English

Recording Date: 4/8/1987
Playing time: 56 mins
Access Restrictions: Full clearance Item Copyright: EMOHA
Summary: Yes
Transcription: No
Copies: yes
Cross Reference:

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Last updated: 08/05/02
East Midland Oral History Archive Web maintainer
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