Bio-Math Workshop

Mining and Meaning:  

Repetitive DNA in the Genomic Era

Tandemly repeated Drosophila monomer diagram


119 Michael Atiyah Building



For all students and Staff




10.00-10.30 Individual introductions - five minutes about who you are, where you work, how to got to where you are today and your scientific drivers ...

Each person will present their relevant work for 20 min and facilitate its discussion for another c. 20 min - it is preferable if interruptions mean the presentation is not finished!

As an informal workshop, additional presentations/discussions are welcomed and the programme can be adjusted.

Relevant Background papers are linked through and then ; when asked for userid use biobanana and satDNA for password.


Pat Heslop-Harrison, Leicester, Repetitive DNA and the Genome

Yurii Dubrova, Leicester, Minisatellites and microsatellites - similar names but different biology

Andrei Zinovyev, Institute Curie & Alexander Gorban, Leicester, Frequency Dictionaries and Genome Grammars

Gabby Dover, Oxford


13:00-14.00 Lunch


Trude Schwarzacher, Leicester, Satellite DNA in Cereal Species

Teo Chee How, Leicester, Transposable elements and repetitive DNA

Misha Kudryashev, Heidelberg, Protein Alphabet Reduction Based on Frequency Dictionaries

Durdica Ugarković, Beetles, satellite DNA Zagreb

Guto Kuhn, Brazil and Leicester, Satellite DNA in Drosophila: revisiting models with new genomic and centromeric data


16.30-18.00 Research Themes and approaches

            Data-driven analysis

            Hypothesis-driven analysis

            Repetitive DNA and Stochastic events

            Selective events

            Driven events

LINKS TO RELEVANT PAPERS ARE ON THE WEBSITE WWW.CYTOGENOMICS.ORG – the papers are on satDNA directory of www.biobanana.diinoweb.comuserid biobanana, password satDNA